Santa Monica, CA



The Santa Monica Green Map shows green businesses as well as ecological features. This map has been created to help residents and visitors to the region become aware of the abundance of resources that contribute to the making of a more sustainable community. The map will allow users to visualize the breadth and diversity of the local environmental resources and opportunities.

On this map one finds features such as:

  • Sustainable Quality Award Winners (businesses which received awards from the City of Santa Monica).

  • Stores that sell green building products and green designers.

  • Environmental organizations such as schools which have “learning gardens”, offer organic salad bars or compost on-site.

  • Vegetarian restaurants and natural food stores.

  • Location of car oil recycling centers.

  • Types and locations of all storm water percolation systems including statistics on the volume of water mitigated.

  • Sample catch basin inserts installed to filter out urban run-off before it enters the Bay.

  • Location and facts about SMURRF — Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility, solar energy and green power sites.

  • Bike and blade shops, bus routes, bike paths and walking routes.

  • Street trees 60′ and up with trunk diameters of 30″ and up and trees planted since 1997 by City of Santa Monica as part of their commitment to reducing global warming and improving air quality in LA.

  • Storm water percolation sites.

  • Green Power Customers.

Development of the Green Map was funded by the City of Santa Monica’s Environmental Programs Division (EPD) for use as an environmental education tool for residents, visitors, students and other community stakeholders. With the Green Map, the EPD hopes to stimulate discussion and ultimately inspire and promote a wide variety of sustainable practices such as reductions in energy use, water use and waste generation, use of environmentally friendly transportation options, purchase of environmentally friendly goods and services, and increased consumption of regional and organic foods. In addition, the Green Map will be used by Santa Monica teachers to help educate students about a variety of ecological issues in the watershed including water quality and conservation, the habitat needs of animals and plants, the impact of non-native species, the consequences of sprawl, the impact of consumer choices on the natural and built environment, and the interconnectedness of our actions and policy decisions.

Development and data collection for the Green Map involved input from a variety of stakeholders throughout the watershed. The map makers worked with the Santa Monica High School Biology Department and Wildlife Club, the West LA chapter of the Audubon Society, the Santa Monica College Geo-Club, and many remarkable naturalists and business leaders. Not only were the encounters educational and fun (bird watching by sea kayak, wild edible plant gathering), they have spurred on new projects (including a new native plant garden at Santa Monica College) and brought different groups together who may not normally meet.
